Řekl bych spíš budoucí Realita pro placené vysílání.
A mozna nejen placene. Vzdyt ochranu obsahu volneho DVB-T2 HD pozemniho vysilani resi v UK. Nevim jestli uz je znamo konecne rozhodnuti, ale uvazuji o techto variantach ochrany:
No content management (the potential need for content management was considered in section 4.2)
Use of FreeviewHD trademark is dependent on implementation of D-Book Content Management requirements (i.e. the counterfactual considered in section 4.3)
Use of HD EPG data is dependent on implementation of D-Book Content Management requirements (the BBC’s proposed licence amendment)
Implementation of D-Book Content Management requirements mandated through regulation
Access to HD channels dependent on implementation of D-Book Content Management requirement (implemented by encrypting HD content)
Functional requirements for Copy Management are defined, but not the specific technologies. Implementation mechanisms based on options 3-5 above