postřehy ze Španělska +summary krátce z dalších států
Very many thanks to all of you who have sent in reception reports. We hope to respond to each one individually.
Areas which have seen complete loss of BBC channels are: Costa Del Sol, Andalucia, Southern Portugal, much of Catalunya and the Canaries. Italy is badly affected as well. Many areas have seen reduced signals.
The UK spot beam pattern on Astra 2F has been almost exactly replicated on Astra 2E.
Many viewers with 3 metre dishes in the Canaries have severe BBC problems, though reports indicate that a well-tuned ChannelMaster 2.4 dish can receive the signals.
It seems that Astra 2E's UK beam has been made deliberately weaker than Astra 2F's. Here in the south-east of the UK, signal strength is lower than we expected.
Winners include Madrid (no change) Benidorm, Valencia, Javea, Gandia. No apparent change in Pontevedra, southern Galicia.
Avignon in France can receive BBC on a 78cm dish.
Signal in Sweden is weaker north of Stockholm. Southern Norway has seen no change.
Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic appear to be receiving no or little BBC. A 2.5m prime focus is reportedly pulling in BBC in Slovakia.
zaujala mě poznámka, že v jihovýchodní anglii je signál slabší, než se čekalo.
Ještě jsem vyčetl od přispivatele, který si vytáhl své poznámky, když nastupovala 2F loni, že signál po přesunu postupně zesiloval až na finální úroveň, řekněme současnou. čili vy ve středních čechách to nevzdávejte, třeba bude situace podobná.