Autor Téma: (Konecne!) jednotna hlasitost podle EBU R128  (Přečteno 6379 krát)


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Re:(Konecne!) jednotna hlasitost podle EBU R128
« Odpověď #1 kdy: 11. 07. 2012, 13:00:13 »
Slava! Pouzit EBU R128 je snad to nejlepsi reseni co mohli udelat. RRTV me prijemne prekvapila. A to vcetne vyporadani pripominek CET21, ktera si chtela EBU R128 ohnout po svojem.

Mam jedinou vytku a to prelozeni slova "programme" - v cestine by melo jit spise o porad (ci relaci) a ne "program". Vyklad by byl jasnejsi - tedy, ze jde o film, reklamni predel a kazdou jednotlivou reklamu, teleshopping. Kazda tato cast ma mit hlasitost -23 LUFS. To take uvadi EBU TECH 3343, viz citace nize. Paragraf 3 odst 2 vyhlasky pak bohuzel situaci neosvetluje, spise naopak.
Pro divaka (a z hlediska zakona) je podstatny parametr "hlasitost poradu". Ty dalsi dva parametry (rozsah hlasitosti a true peak) uz ne, to tam mozna nemuselo byt uz vyslovne uvadeno.

"The term ‘a programme’ is also used to mean an advertisement, a promotional item etc. For clarity, the
advertisements etc. which are  placed around and within the running time of what is generally considered to be 'a
programme' are treated as programmes in their own right (also individual advertisements within a block are separate
programmes); their integration with the longer programmes is thus made easier. Evidently, the makers of either type of
programme can have no knowledge of what will be placed with it and so each type has to be considered separately. In
this document, the term ‘programme’ refers to the programme as completed by Production and not the combination of
the programme, interstitials, and advertisements that arrives at the viewer's or  listener's receiver within the overall
running time of the programme."